Farmer Mobile Application
This is an Android app developed for farmers to capture, analyze and control their financial data and manage their farming and household expenses better. This first-of-its-kind personal utility app made specifically for farmers provides a free, safe, and secure service in 4 languages. The app provides crop and time-based profit/loss analysis.
Target Market:-
This app is useful for those who want to Take Farmer Helping.
User Application (IOS, Android)
1. Splash/Landing:
2. Welcome Screen:
3. Sign-up Page:
4. Login Page:
5. Home Screen
7. Rating & Review
8. My profile:
9. Chat Support
10 .Marketing
11. Promotions
12. Support pages
Features User:
1. Create a profile Mobile number Based login (with OTP) with an email address (One-time activation code) or Facebook. Have to accept terms and conditions.
2. Referral registration (If a user registers with a particular coupon code we will add rs.50 to that referral. Which will be redeemed on his purchase from his wallet)
3. Wallet
4. Profile with personal information
5. Last Journeys or frequently used locations. Complete ride history available with an option to clear history
6. Payment Gateway
7. Invites – Facebook – Tweeter
8. Be able to log in and log out
9. the Only user can register a maximum of 3 accounts per device
10. Book a Truck/harvester/water tank… according to the needs
11. If he books a truck – How many acres of land is there he should be able to add and need to show a rough estimation
12. See estimated fare and current Discount running. (Coupon code option)
13. Pinpoint exact location using GPS and search for the nearest available driver of that particular section. (Maximum 10 kilometer’s radius drivers only)
14. Estimated fare is given before the driver arrives, using GPS via polygon map of the land or number of acres entered by customer.
15. User picks the Driver and their profile appears on the screen
16. Track the Vehicle coming to you.
17. Option to call the driver directly from the app
18. Once the fare is over, a notification pops up asking to rate the driver out of 5 stars in the selected language.
Features Driver/vendor:
1. Sign in/ Sign up (Mobile-based login)
2. Personal Information for the Registration, Bank details to transfer
3. Option to add only one vehicle under him
4. Have the option to be “Active or Inactive” (Active drivers appear on the map, inactive drivers don’t)
5. An alert is sent to the driver’s phone when a customer has chosen the driver and the estimated fare is brought up on the screen.
6. Able to call the passenger from the app
7. Drivers are able to see past bookings and revenue generated (Daily, Monthly)
8. Driver should have the option to add the price to what he needs. We will add GST+commission if applicable on top of that.
9. Driver has the option to change the vendor
10. Driver will see the reports of the entire vendors he got. Pending payments they need to get….
11. The Driver should collect payments if COD is selected.
12. If the User selects the harvester the price depends on the hour basis(Here we need)
13. Driver should have the option to start the ride/Pause the ride/
a. Sign in/ Sign up (Mobile-based login)
b. Personal Information for the Registration, Bank details to transfer
c. Have the option to be “Active or Inactive” (Active drivers appear on the map, inactive drivers don’t)
d. Have an option to add multiple vehicles under him.
e. He should have the option to assign a client to the nearest user. Or we will assign it to the nearest user.
f. An alert is sent to the driver’s phone when a customer has chosen the driver and the estimated fare is brought up on the screen.
g. Able to call the passenger from the app
h. Drivers are able to see past bookings and revenue generated (Daily, Monthly)
i. Vendors should have the option to add the price to what they need on top of the diver required. We will add GST+commission if applicable on top of that.
j. He should have an option to include GST or excluding GST.
k. He should have the option to send the previous user’s Notifications on the offer. If the user is a lady, he should have an option to see their number.
l. Payments should be collected by the Vendor (Driver if the vendor says) if COD is selected.
m. If the User selects the harvester the price depends on the hour basis (Here we need) we need to collect a minimum amount of 5 acres (5 hour’s amount…)
Functionality for Agriculture App
1. Referral Coupon code
2. Gps-based polygon maps.
3. Based on the field area we will calculate and show to all the
4. We need to have an Online/Offline payment mode.
5. We need to have an option of giving a discount up to 5% max as the user may ask for a discount.
6. Driver/Owner should have an option to the price of what he needs after all deductions. Min price he needs.
7. Vendors can update the price to what they want to sell to the user.
8. The app should be lightweight.
9. We need to add all the equipment in the app. With two languages for sure with images. If they select Hindi, we need to show their name in Hindi (English). If they select Tamil, we need to show their name in Tamil (English). If they select English, we need to ask for a secondary language, as they do not know the English name always when compared to the local language.
a. If they select tractor
i. Double Rotor
ii. Tractor Truck
iii. Rotovator
iv. ………
b. If they select Harvester
i. …….
c. If they select Boar Machine
i. ……..
d. If they Select Spray
i. Drone spray
ii. Tractor Spray
1. Customer Experience Comes First
2. Omnichannel Distribution
3. Data Security
5. Big Data Insights
Services Given By I-Softinc
Farmer App would require the following services from I-Softinc
• UI/ UX of mobile app
• Mobile App Development
• Backend API Development
• Quality Assurance &Testing
• Hosting on Google Play store and make it available for download to all the android smartphone users
• Maintenance and update of developed App
Client’s Experience
The client was frustrated with many developers, tried many, his search was over when he got us (I-SOFTINC), we are the best for all kind of IOS, ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT, the client would recommend us as the best professional and well-managed team very cost-efficient, we have done a lot of great apps for clients.
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