Ayurveda is an Associate in the Nursing app for book lovers to catalogue all the books they need to browse, square measure presently reading, and what is in their personal library. The app’s options square measure to be supported by user analysis and testing. An easy, clean, and well-catalogued app style that permits readers to simply access all their to-read lists, catalogue their personal libraries, and explore wherever they’ll purchase their next book. It’s a touch library in your pocket.
Target Audience:
A potential customer who is interested in reading books.
Services Given By I-Softinc:
Ayurveda a mobile study material apps would require the following services from I-Softinc
• UI/ UX of mobile app
• Mobile App Development
• Backend API Development
• Quality Assurance &Testing
• Hosting on Google Play store and make it available for download to all the android smartphone users
• Maintenance and update of developed App
Here some challenges that we face:
• Traditional logistics
• Competitive Pricing
• Customer Satisfaction
• android Version: 4.0 to above
• iOS Version: 8.0 to above
• compatible platform: Android, iOS, Web Admin
• Web server: Apache, Linux
• Programming language: Swift & Java
• Used framework: Core PHP, Angular, node
Client’s Experience:
The client was frustrated with many developers, tried many, his search was over when he got us (I-SOFTINC), we are the best for all kind of IOS, ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT, the client would recommend us as the best professional and well-managed team very cost-efficient, we have done a lot of great apps for clients.